Kenneth R. Koedinger
METALS Program Director
Director, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC)
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute and Psychology
Website: http://pact.cs.cmu.edu/koedinger.html
- 05-823 E-Learning Design Principles (Fall)
- 05-681 METALS Project 1 (Spring)
- 05-682 METALS Project 2 (Summer)
- 11-910 Directed Research (Fall/ Spring)
- 11-920 Independent Study: Breadth (Spring)
- 11-925 Independent Study: Area (Spring)
- 11-929 Master Thesis II (Spring)

Michael Bett
METALS Managing Director
LearnLab Managing Director

Our METALS Faculty
Vincent Aleven
Director of the Undergraduate Program, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./aleven/
- 05-432/ 05-832 Personalized Online Learning (Fall)
- 05-571 Undergraduate Project in HCI (Spring)
- 11-910 Directed Research (Fall/ Spring)
- 11-930 Dissertation Research (Fall/ Spring)

Paulo Carvalho
Assistant Professor
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: www.theoaklab.org
- 05-823 E-Learning Design Principles (Fall)
- 05-681 METALS Project 1 (Spring)
- 05-682 METALS Project 2 (Summer)
- 05-816 Applied Research Methods (Fall)
- 05-899 Learning Analytics and Educational Data Science

Sharon Carver
Director, Carnegie Mellon Children’s School
Professor, Psychology
Website: http://www.psy.cmu.edu/faculty/carver/
- 85-484 Practicum in Child Development (Fall /Spring)
- 66-501 H&SS Senior Honors Thesis I (Fall)
- 66-502 H&SS Senior Honors Thesis II (Spring)

Erik Harpstead
Senior Systems Scientist
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.erikharpstead.net/
- 05-818 Design of Educational Games

Lauren Herckis
Simon Initiative Library Faculty
Affiliated Researcher, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Affiliated Researcher, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: https://hcii.cmu.edu/people/lauren-herckis
- 49-717 Special Topics: Digital Ethnography
- 05-738 Evidence-based Educational Design (Fall)
- 49-745 Technology and Society

Marti Louw
Assistant Dean for Curriculum, IDeATe /
Director, Learning Media Design Center
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
- 05-691 Learning Media Design (Fall)
- 05-692 Learning in Museums (Spring)

Marsha Lovett
Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning Innovation
Teaching Professor, Psychology
Website: https://www.cmu.edu/tli-office/meet-the-vp/index.html
Teaching Professor, Psychology
Website: https://www.cmu.edu/tli-office/meet-the-vp/index.html
Courses (that I intermittently teach):
- 85-715 Graduate Research Methods (Spring)
Bruce McLaren
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Head of the McLearn Lab: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bmclaren/mclearnlab/
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./bmclaren/
- 05-681 METALS Capstone Project I (Spring)
- 05-682 METALS Capstone Project II (Summer)

Steven Moore
Postdoctoral Fellow
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: https://stevenjamesmoore.com/
- 05-738 – Evidence-Based Educational Design (Fall)
- 05-840 – Tools for Online Learning (Spring)

Amy Ogan
Associate Professor of Learning Sciences
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://amyogan.com/
- 05-838 Role of Technology in Learning in the 21st Century

Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Kavčić-Moura Professor, Language Technologies Institute and Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cprose/
- 05-434/ 11-344 Machine Learning in Practice (Fall/Spring)
- 05-834/ 11-663 Applied Machine Learning (Fall/Spring)
- 05-899 Special Topics in HCI: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (Fall/Spring)
- 11-637 Foundations of Computational Data Science (Fall/Spring/Summer)
- 11-690 MIIS Directed Study (Spring)
- 11-719 Computational Models of Discourse Analysis (Spring)
- 11-726 Meaning in Language Lab (Self Paced) (Spring)

John Stamper
Associate Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Technical Director, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Datashop
Website: http://dev.stamper.org/
- 05681 METALS Project I (Spring)
- 05682 METALS Project 2 (Summer)